Double Bubble Deformity after Breast Augmentation

The lower part of the breast can in rare situations have a double bubble appearance immediately after breast implants are placed, usually where the tissue is excessively tight and the patient’s natural infra-mammary crease was too high. The appearance can be a challenge to deal with and this article discusses a non-surgical method that was published, involving the use of a shoelace support.

CE Mark Lost For New Allergan Textured Implants

The CE mark for Allergan textured implants has not been renewed by the regulator on the 16th December and Allergan have been forced to withdraw all of their textured implants as a result. Although this does not affect existing patients who have these implants, it is a great shock to patients and surgeons who have used this market leading implant for decades. This article explains the current situation and provides information to patients.

Breast Implant Texture – What Is Best, Smooth or Textured Implants?

Breast Implant Developments Silicone breast implants have changed in incremental steps over the last 50 years. Some changes have been good, others less so, and research and developments continue to be made by manufactures. The first silicone-filler breast implants were introduced to the market in the 1960s. These are now termed ‘generation one’. They had…

How Do I Measure My Bra Size?

Bra sizing is not consistent and there are at least three different ways of measuring it. Bra manufacturers do not all use the same standard and just like any other form of clothing some bras fit better than others. The problem arises when you are not comfortable in your bra as you have been told it is the ‘your size’. If you are not comfortable you need to try again. Knowing how to check your own size might help you choose, so this is the information to help you.

How Do You Know If Your Breast Implant Is Ruptured?

Women with silicone breast implants need to consider exchange after 10 years even if they have not had problems. You will not usually know if your breast implant is ruptured unless a complication occurs or if you have an MRI scan. It is better to have surgery before symptoms of a rupture occur. Always have surgery with a Specialist Cosmetic Breast and Oncoplastic Breast Surgeon to reduce risks.

Accessory Nipples – Do they matter?

Accessory nipples (also known as supernumerary or third nipples) usually appear under the breast near the fold that we call the inframammary crease. Mr Turton finds these in around 0.1 to 1% of his cosmetic breast surgery patients having breast enlargement or breast reduction, usually with the patient having been unaware. They typically look like a small mole and are slightly raised. They are usually found in the midline below the breast. If these bother patients they can be removed. Most of the time they can be left alone. If they are associated with breast tissue they are more likely to be a problem as they can fluctuate in size with the menstrual cycle, be tender, and they can even be affected by breast cancer. If you want to have a breast check up in Mr Turton’s specialist breast and cosmetic clinic at the Leeds Nuffield or Spire Hospital Leeds, please use the enquiry form on his web site:

Silicone Breast Implants - Cosmetic Breast Surgeon - Philip Turton

Are Silicone Breast Implants better under the muscle?

Philip Turton explains when silicone implants are better placed behind the pectoral muscle (sub pectoral / “unders”) or sub glandular (over pectoral / “overs”). Choosing the best option for breast augmentation requires weighing up the benefits or downsides with each approach. It may help create the most natural appearance or it might hinder the shape development from the implants. You need expert advise, and Mr Turton will always check if patients are at risk of implant rippling by taking specific key measurements of his patient’s breasts and will select the best techniques for breast enlargement for women to give them the best and safest results from their breast implants.

Philip Turton - Cosmetic Breast Surgery Leeds - Cosmetic Breast Surgeon Leeds

Want to see the Best Specialist Cosmetic Breast Surgery Web Site in the UK?

In the last 14-years, there have been many changes in cosmetic breast surgery. If you want to choose the best breast implant, or the best hospital for breast implant surgery, you will naturally want to also choose the best specialist breast enlargement surgeon. If you want to choose all three you will need to visit my site to appreciate what we have to offer and why it is so good
Whether you are looking for the latest safety information, wanting to see great before and after breast enlargement photos, or simply want to understand what makes Mr Turton’s cosmetic breast surgery practice stand out as top ranking in the UK, you are invited to have a look at his comprehensive cosmetic breast surgery web site. It covers breast augmentation, breast reduction, breast uplift, exchange implant surgery, revisions, and all aspects of breast cancer and breast reconstruction surgery!