Discovering the Details of Breast Lift in Leeds

A breast lift, medically known as mastopexy, is a surgical procedure designed to raise and reshape sagging or drooping breasts. It is often performed to improve the breast’s contour, restore a more youthful appearance, and boost a patient’s self-confidence. During a breast lift, excess skin is removed, and the remaining breast tissue is tightened and…


What is The Critical Need for Effective CD30 Lymphoma Diagnosis in Leeds

In recent times, women with breast implants have had some concerns about an uncommon malignancy called anaplastic large cell lymphoma. Sometimes the symptoms of this uncommon cancer are identical to common symptoms that occur in association with other benign problems with implants. In fact this is seen to be the case in 90% of women…


What’s New in Cosmetic Breast Surgery

Cosmetic Breast Surgery with Philip Turton, in Leeds, offers the opportunity to be treated by an expert in this field with almost 20-years specialist experience. You deserve a safe experience with the optimal results for your body produced by an accredited nationally recognised leader

Breast Uplift Leeds

Revising Breast Implants When There Is Breast Sag

How Long Do Breast Implants Last? This is variable and depends on so many factors. If you have no problems at all and the results look good and you get to the 10-year mark you should look at having a review with your specialist and an MRI scan to check there is no hidden rupture,…

silicone breast implant

Capsular Contraction and Capsulectomy surgery for Breast Implants

Capsule Formation around Silicone Breast Implants Within days of surgery a capsule begins to form around a silicone breast implant. This is the body’s normal response to wound healing around a foreign object that it is not going to reject. The capsule contains scar tissue but it is a little different to a conventional scar…


Breast Lift Leeds: Boosting Your Confidence Through Cosmetic Surgery

Breast uplift surgery, also known as mastopexy. It’s a cosmetic procedure that aims to improve the appearance of sagging breasts. As women age, their breasts may lose their shape and firmness due to factors such as weight loss, pregnancy, breastfeeding, and many more. This can have a significant impact on their self-confidence and body image.…


CD30 Lymphoma Treatment in Leeds: Understanding Your Options

Leeds is a city in northern England known for its excellent medical facilities and highly trained doctors. If you have been diagnosed with breast cancer, you will be pleased to know that Leeds has a number of world-class hospitals and clinics that specialize in the treatment of this type of cancer. Whether you are looking…
