Why change your implants?

You may have had your implants for 10-years and understand that the manufacture’s guidance on implant longevity comes into question. Silent ruptures may occur and you want to renew your implants to be acting in a safer manner.

You may want to change your implants because you are no longer happy with the size, shape or feel of the implants.

Your breasts and body may have changed due to ageing, tissue stretch, weight change, and pregnancy.

You may desire a new product such as the premium BLite lighter weight implants that are 30% lighter than traditional silicone.

Alternatively, you may want to have your implants removed for good, and some patients consider capuselectomy and a breast uplift at that stage.

What does the operation involve?

It would usually be similar to your original surgery and under a general anaesthetic. Mr Turton would use your existing scar under the breast. If it is a simple exchange the old implant is removed and then carefully inspected for signs of silent rupture. If there has been a rupture the implant pocket is very carefully cleaned and antiseptic is applied to facilitate removing any traces of silicone. The pocket in your breast is then carefully inspected and the capsule is assessed to check for any problems. A new implant is then introduced using special techniques to avoid microscopic contamination. The position is checked, adjusted and then the incision is closed in fine layers.

Where you are having additional surgery such as removal of a thickened or tightened capsule from around the implant, the incision usually needs to be lengthened and the operation will take longer. It will be a little more uncomfortable after surgery. You will have a drain in place and stay overnight. If you have had your implants exchanged from a sub-glandular to sub-pectoral position it will also feel more uncomfortable during the wound healing period.

When we exchange your implants for a bigger size, the space inside the breast needs to be adjusted, unless the old implant and your tissue stretch has already done this. If you have had implants that were too big and you are decreasing the size of your implants you may need additional surgery to adjust the pocket, or a mastopexy procedure to remove excess skin.

Your choice of Implants

Mr Turton is not tied to any one manufacturer and is independent of commercial pressures. He knows the implant field thoroughly and has experience using all of these manufactures: Allergan (formally McGhan/Inamed), BLite, Mentor, Sebbin, Polytech, Silimed and Nagor. The pros and cons and the nuances of each implant type are extremely useful and serve to increase the options Mr Turton has in dealing with specific situations. Mr Turton will advise you carefully and guide your decision so that you get the best product for your circumstance.

Risks and Complications

The risks of simple implant exchange are the same as those with your first breast enlargement operation. We take great precautions and are never complacent so as to minimize the chance of you having a problem.

Where you have a more difficult problem to deal with, such as capsular contraction, malposition, and breast sag there will be a higher risk of complications. When planning this type surgery, it is important to look at the factors that can minimize risk and follow Mr Turton’s recommendations. Complex surgery requires a balanced approach and there may be trade-offs between some of the factors that you want and the higher risks trying to achieve these.


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