Most patients who plan to have cosmetic breast surgery get the results that they expect. Occasionally this is not the case. The risks are higher with revision implant surgery and reconstructive surgery. Statistics from the FDA Adjunct Studies (link to stats) in America showed that around 1 in 5 patients have some type of problem after revision breast augmentation surgery/breast reconstruction surgery within 5-years of the procedure.  It is not this high for primary breast augmentation surgery but these figures demonstrate the need for very careful planning and expert surgery to minimise complications.

Mr Turton sees patients who have had their surgery elsewhere and require corrective surgery. This might be needed for many reasons, including a change in size or style, due to breast tissue sag, or due to complications from your initial surgery.

The commonest problems needing corrective surgery are capsular contracture, asymmetry, breast droop, and implant palpability/visibility and wrinkling. Actual complication rates vary according to the reason for breast implantation and are significantly lower for patients having primary breast enlargement surgery by specialists with optimum size implants.

Mr Turton will undertake corrective surgery for patients who have had their surgery elsewhere on a case by case basis. Costs can be significantly greater than the original surgery, and in complex cases the surgery may need to be carried out more than one stage.

Mr Turton’s own complication rates are significantly lower. For example, in almost 15 years of primary breast enlargement surgery he has had no implant infections at all. This is an excellent barometer of safety, expertise and the techniques he employs.


Organise your consultation with Mr Turton: Specialist Consultation Booking Form