How Long Do Breast Implants Last?
This is variable and depends on so many factors. If you have no problems at all and the results look good and you get to the 10-year mark you should look at having a review with your specialist and an MRI scan to check there is no hidden rupture, or renew them. The rupture rate is about 10% by 10-years. Capsular contraction affects 10-20 % of women and may precipitate a revision or even removal. But a deterioration in cosmetic results can also occur commonly from ageing tissue and what is termed redundancy ie breast sag!
How Do You Correct Breast Droop If Implants Are Already Present?
The problem has usually arisen from skin stretch and redundancy of the tissue from gravity, ageing and physiological changes. Pregnancy after prior breast augmentation can precipitate the classical snoopy nose appearance. This is one of the most technical cosmetic breast operations and should only be done by a specialist with many years of experience as there are increased risks. Simply going bigger is rarely a solution as a low nipThe problem has usually arisen from skin stretch and redundancy of the tissue from gravity, ageing and physiological changes. Pregnancy after prior breast augmentation can precipitate the classical snoopy nose appearance. ple position with sag of breast tissue below the lower breast crease is not improved. In fact it can look substantially worse. You should consult a specialist to explore your options.
The Two Stage Correction Of Breast Droop
Step one is a complex operation to remove the old implant, and perform a breast uplift (full lift with preservation of the glandular tissue for auto-augmentation). It requires special techniques to improve the shape whilst protecting the blood supply to the nipple as there is a risk of nipple necrosis. Getting the tightest revision requires a temporary period without a replacement implant. If you have sufficient breast tissue you can avoid further implants sometimes! Being relatively flat chested again for around 6-months gives some women the time to reflect with their new shape (smaller but no sag) and with enough of a confidence boost many do without implants. But if you are very small and flat you may want redo augmentation and this is redone 6-months after the mastopexy. This is the approach I illustrate in these photos of one of my patients dating over 14-years when I carried out her original augmentation.
Image set one is the before and after initial breast enlargement using a proportionate sizing approach and sub-pectoral dual plane implants. This very athletic lady went on to have another baby and with the passage of another decade the breast droop over the implants caused the “snoopy breast” appearance. So with a complex revision required I carried out an explant with total capsulectomy and full wise-pattern mastopexy (breast up-lift) and then after a 6-month break to allow scars to mature nicely I carried out a safe redo breast implant operation and the final photos show she is back to a really nice perky breast size again.