Breast implant removal is a necessary procedure to correct a complication or relieve certain symptoms. However, in some cases, it might be requested for cosmetic reasons when the patient has a change in preference. Whatever the case, there are a number of potential surgical approaches used by medical professionals. Each method has its own set of characteristics and benefits; pros and cons so to speak. The best method for implant removal varies from patient to patient, depending on the symptoms and reason for implant removal.
During the initial consultation, the expert will thoroughly evaluate your concerns and discuss your symptoms. In some cases, imaging studies and other tests may be needed to fully elucidate the nature of the problem. In severe cases, Enbloc Capsulectomy may be required. It is a complex surgical procedure that is used to remove the implant and the entire scar tissue capsule as a single entity. As a result of this procedure, the risk of contaminating the surrounding tissues is greatly reduced, the tissue can be sent to a pathologist, and it can be the complete treatment of some underlying uncommon cancers associated with implants.
When is an Enbloc Capsulectomy Needed?
Capsular Contracture:
Over time, the membrane around the implant becomes hard and contracted. This results in firmness in the breast along with changes in shape. This is known as capsular contracture. If left for a long time, it may cause discomfort. At this point a capsulectomy can be performed. It may be possible to safely perform an enbloc capsulectomy and surgeons familiar with the technique are skilled at doing this, and knowing when it is safe or when a total or sub-total approach is reasonable.
Silicone Breast Implant Rupture:
The process can be performed to address a silicone breast implant rupture, along the same lines mentioned above. However, it is important to understand how to identify a ruptured silicone implant. As it may show no visible symptoms, MRI may be the only way to diagnose it, and even that isn’t 100% accurate. Some signs that may indicate a compromised implant are an enlarged lymph node in the armpit, breast swelling, pain, asymmetry, tightness, or lumps in the breast. If the capsule is extremely thin it may not be necessary to remove it all. But a thickened capsule around a ruptured implant facilitates total removal.
Similarly, in cases of BIA-ALCL, an uncommon non-Hodgkins lymphoma associated with breast implants, or other rare cancers that can be associated, the capsule is removed enbloc to ensure that the cancerous cells are not left in the breast tissue. In this circumstance, you should be treated by a surgeon who is intimately familiar with the technique and the national guidelines for treating BIA-ALCL. The tissue is carefully orientated for pathological analysis and the results are discussed at a multidisciplinary team meeting.
Nevertheless, it should be remembered that capsulectomy is not always needed for every implant removal. There are sometimes risk and there may be permanent aesthetic consequences. Always remember to discuss the options with your doctor.
The surgical technique is being requested more commonly. There are some benefits that patients perceive but are unproven. After the procedure, women may feel more comfortable in their own skin. By this they refer to the fact that the tissue that was in contact with the implant has gone, and they hope that minimizes future risk of rare complications, or their own worry about illness. Sometimes when implants have been too big and breasts have grown, then implants are removed with a combined dermocutaneous mastopexy. In addition to an improved streamline silhouette, patients often find a renewed confidence. Despite smaller breasts, the shape is no longer elongacted and sagging. They can take part in various strenuous activities again. When it comes to recovery, you can often return to work after a one to two week period of rest, depending on your job. You may also be recommended to refrain from exercise for a period of six weeks.
Are you suspecting any signs or symptoms related to your implants or to a ruptured breast implant or any discomfort? If yes, immediately contact Philip Turton for consideration or removal of implants, and ask about capsulectomy or if Enbloc Capsulectomy might be considered. Our professionals have worked with many women over the years removing breast implants. As patient care is our priority, your treatment plan will be tailored to your unique circumstances. Our specialist board-certified team is committed to help you restore a natural breast appearance, you can feel confident about. For more details on treatments and procedures, have a look at our website.