Cosmetic surgery is not limited to the face; it also includes the augmentation or reconstruction process of breasts. Some women also undergo the process of a breast implant after breast cancer surgery or to attain a desirable size. Breast augmentation involves placing implants made of silicone shells under the breast muscles or just behind the breast on the chest. It simply enhances the chest area and makes it more physically attractive. If you are thinking about choosing this procedure, we would advise you to look into the matter deeply and gain complete knowledge.
Before you proceed further, it is crucial to identify the right cosmetic breast surgeon in your area or the preferred location. It is advisable to choose a surgeon you feel comfortable with and who will speak honestly about your procedure and the risk of surgery. You all will agree to this, no matter how many certifications a doctor has but recommended doctors are more trustable. However, this doesn’t mean that you should not look at their experience and qualification, but keep their client’s feedback and review into consideration.
What you can Expect in Breast Surgery
Breast Augmentation in Leeds or any part of the Western-world often follows a similar procedure. You will be given a dose of anesthesia, and the surgeon will cut alongside the breast and then place the implants between the muscles, or directly behind the glandular tissue. You will recovery quickly from the anaesthetic. For a few days, you might be a little uncomfortable as you’re not used to it, but later, you will enjoy it. Nevertheless, some surgery may create issues. A surgeon will guide you to understand everything, including the effect and side effects of the procedure.
In a few cases, the patient will be sent home on the same day, whereas a few might be advised a single overnight stay depending on the condition. You will have a little swelling and bruising around the breast, which will fade in a few weeks. Unfortunately, you will be in a little pain or early acute pain but we can manage this well. We advise not to wear any standard bras for at least 6-weeks, instead we advise a specific support ad post-surgical bra for and later to use an extra support bra until your breasts heal and are fully comfortable. You’re prevented from doing activities that make an effort; lifting weights and running is completely prohibited.
You will also need to visit the hospital or see the surgeon to have the wounds checked and sometimes to have your stitches taken out. It will probably take several months for all the swelling and scars to settle down. Connect with us and learn more about Breast Augmentation in Leeds. The team at Philip Turton clinic takes care of you and the proceeding, so you will be in your comfort.