Cosmetic breast surgeries have become prominent procedures among ladies eager to enhance their physical appearance. In this area, there are several procedures that can assist with breast size and form improvement. After breast implants, in order to keep this foreign object inside the body, our system typically creates a protective capsule of thin but tough scar tissue around them. People who get implants find these capsules soft, but if they feel tight, a condition known as capsular contracture is likely to have occurred. It is a common complication of implant surgery, which is usually totally harmless except for the impact on cosmetic appearance and feel, as long as the implant is not ruptured or fluid has formed too.

It can be associated with complications that require the removal of breast implants such as swelling, chronic pain, as well as discomfort. Complications such as these can be addressed conveniently through surgical procedures, and the best treatment available for this may well be Total Capsulectomy. It involves removing the implant and capsular tissues from around the implants. In addition, this surgical procedure can be used for various other reasons as well.

Reasons to Consider the Capsulectomy Procedure:

Women consider this surgery after having a cosmetic breast implant for a number of reasons, some of which are listed below:

Complication: The number one reason that obviously are issues resulting after getting implants. Even though capsular contracture is a condition everyone is aware of, the implant getting squeezed is another aspect contributing to the need for removal. Accompanied by others, implant rupture is one such complication that requires correction through the same process. A thick capsule should also be removed.

Change Size: Another popular factor that makes breast implant removal preferable is the women’s need to change the shape, size, and material of the implant. Removing the scar tissue is not always necessary, but the same proves beneficial in some cases, otherwise a release called a capsulotomy may be sufficient. Sometimes nothing needs to be done to the capsule at all other than inspect it.

Health Concerns: BIA-ALCL, a malignancy that grows in the scar tissue, is one of the numerous reasons most women think about having a Total Capsulectomy. Ladies with breast implants, especially those with textured implants, frequently worry about it. Therefore, they consider removing it for health reasons. But your surgeon must be familiar with the technique, when it is 100% necessary and when it is safe to leave in part or totally. You do not want the procedure to cause unwanted complications or risks if you do not have BIA-ALCL, so let the expert discuss this with you and listen to them.

It would be better to address all the mentioned concerns with a Total Capsulectomy. You may relax knowing that the scar tissue that could potentially create issues is removed from the breast when a qualified surgeon performs these procedures. The incision will be made in the same location as the incisions used for breast augmentation, which were along the breast crease. Since both the implant and the scar tissue need to be removed during the therapy, the incisions may be substantially longer than with implants. Or your surgeon may advise using a breast uplift incision pattern (the full anchor pattern called a “wise pattern”.

However, such a scar is usually nothing to be concerned about because it heals effectively over time and becomes less noticeable after adequate healing. Contact a reputable surgeon for more information or assistance. And Philip Turton is the best choice you have in that context. With 17 years of consultant-level experience, he is a top specialist consultant, oncoplastic, and aesthetic breast surgeon. Make a reservation for a detailed first consultation now.