Do All Breast Implants Have Identifying Features on Them?
Unfortunately, not all manufacturer’s have previously enabled subsequent identification of their implants by having the details stamped on the back. Sometimes there is just a size recorded in cc’s, but sometimes there is nothing at all. McGhan, Inamed and Allergan have always imprinted the back of their implants with their name, therefore allowing easy identification of who made it, the implant style, and size. But Mentor and Nagor implants were not stamped until around 2007, meaning that when surgeons remove those implants that were implanted prior to that date, there is no manufacturer stamp present and often the implant manufacturer of the removed device is recorded as ‘unknown’.
How To Identify A Mentor Implant That Has Not Got A Manufacturer’s Stamp?
In the photo above, you will notice that the implant that is top right has no name on the device. But there is a characteristic marking pattern with what looks like a flat button within a circle, and this is located on the patch next to the numbers that indicate the size. This is a characteristic mark of the ‘Mentor implant’ brand. The second characteristic of the Mentor breast implant is the feel of the outer aspect of the implant.
This is referred to as the “shell”. The mentor implant has a very characteristic smooth but slightly textured feel, the Siltex texture, which is typical of it’s brand. This is derived from the characteristic ‘imprint’ style of texturisation of their implants where the outer silicone layer of the implant is imprinted against a foam covered mandrel before curing the silicone. Other subtle clues that help experienced surgeons are the profile of the implant and the fill volume of the implant. This is because they are subtly different between manufacturers. All modern day Mentor implants do now have the word “Mentor” imprinted on the back, together with a Lot number, making future identification easier.
What Is The UK Breast And Cosmetic Implant Registry?
The Breast and Cosmetic Implant Registry is web-based digital register that began After October 2016. Surgeons can now use the Registry for any patient who has a breast implant placed, removed, or renewed. It can include implants used for breast enlargement, or breast reconstruction. All NHS hospitals are mandated to use it, but it has not been made compulsory in the private sector.
Some large private organisations should be applauded as they have made it mandatory that it is offered to patients and this includes the Nuffield Health Hospital and the Spire Hospital. However, the uptake in some organisations and is some clinics who offer implants is poor and unacceptable. Patients need to know that this service is available to them free of charge, and they should insist that their details and the details of their implants are always recorded. The data entry form is shown here.
Where To Get More Information Or Discuss About Breast Implants?
This web site has a wealth of useful information authored by Philip Turton who is a specialist, but if you would prefer to be seen in person and to have a consultation please get in touch by using the contact form to provide as much detail as possible.